10am-4pm / Hogan Athletic Center
Artist Alley
Buy wares from talented artists and vendors.
Autographs from guest voice actors available!
10:30am-12pm / SAC 113
Panel: Cosplay on a Budget
By Randi Jacobs
Join our cosplay judges for an exploration of creating cosplays with a small budget in mind.
11am-3pm / SAC 109
D&D 5e One-Shot
A casual one-shot in the popular role-playing game system.
12:30-1:30pm / SAC 113
Q&A: Morgan Berry
​Q&A session with voice actor Morgan Berry!
2-3pm / Dow L1
Q&A: Josh Keaton
Q&A session with voice actor Josh Keaton!
2-3:30pm / SAC 113
Panel: Caligula: Fighting Against Unhappiness and Regrets
By Timothy Ouellette
Presentation about the isekai anime and game series Caligula and the characters' inner conflicts.
3-6pm / SAC 109
Call of Cthulhu One-Shot
By Blaze Rybicki
Pop in for an original roleplaying one-shot in this easy-to-learn, horror-centered system.
4-5:30pm / SAC 113
Panel: Pattern Drafting with Body Blocks
By Randi Jacobs
Join Belle Bunni Designs as she reviews pattern making techniques for cosplay.